Alma Mater, Strength and Streets

The Art Of Transmuting
1 min readApr 4, 2022

The intensity of my growth was needed

Given the pain and trauma deeply seeded

I know my strength

Because, I’ve made it through

Still pure of heart, still my dreams in view

Even though the evils in this world

Seek to poison it and tear it apart

Innocent Intentions

I’ve had from the start

Continuously striving to find the lesson in every situation

“Life” my teacher, silent mentor

People, however intrusive causing stagnation

Crippling views and reputations

Envious and Ignorance, a dirty cage

Empathy and Sincerity, few remain

Hands to push, few to pull

Strength of mind, I hold with the grip of “truth”

Though others mock and poke the core of it

Living in the darkness, comfortable in its presence

Harnessing pain, showing wounds and scars

Badges of honor, warriors with-out armor

With each blow became smarter

Strongest of minds come from trenches and trails

Strength, Courage, and Wisdom

my alma mater

Battle Born, my mold of honor

By: Lynsie Chase

Gilded Tarot By Ciro Marchetti



The Art Of Transmuting
