The Art Of Transmuting
5 min readJan 11, 2024



Poverty, Fear and Pain


What causes suicide? A person to go to that extent? Not being able to be their authentic self? The stress of not being able to be you, poverty is another reason. Why should one want to live a life where they are hungry all the time. I mean that in the creative sense too! Judgment, it’s another reason. Ignorance on another person’s part, because they have not lived that path the person they judge so harshly on. In those moments others start to judge them and belittle them and put them down. Until they can’t take it anymore. You cannot give someone counseling and then throw them right back into the same situation. They’re going right back to the same atmosphere. Unless everybody in that particular sphere is willing and ready to do the work too! OR, Unless they have the ability to escape that sphere, will counseling actually make a positive impact and a lasting one.

Admit it, most of us don’t/won’t because of the one(s) we love and finance. They have already been alone. The strife of what caused them to come to that pentacle point. That the meer thought of being totally alone scares them to the point it cripples the brain. We are not meant to be alone in this life. That’s why we were given the ability to procreate. In that, each sex finds the other one so beautiful and because of past trauma, people put on a lot of masks. Then you’re in this, what you thought to be a beautiful experience and find out it’s not. You become attracted to somebody else that’s beautiful, leaving that person feeling worthless and unwanted. Some of us are given the tools and the skills to learn how to cope with loss, as well as the confidence and strength to know their worth. Very few are given the information of Sacred Energy Exchange! Furthermore, few are given the following: What was meant for you will find you, and what God (vibration) moves out of the way, is making room for something better. Not everybody was meant to come into your life to be a permanent fixture. Some were just meant to imprint, to help shape your character. Ultimately in the end and throughout life the same as death it is just you! So you got to know, “YOU! Look at yourself in the mirror, tell yourself, “I got your back” and ask “Do you got mine”, reply back, “I know you do” Know that there is an infinite number of possibilities (scenarios) to every single choice you make, with an infinite number of outcomes all predetermined. This is where your free will comes in. You decide which ending you’re navigating towards that you’re leading yourself too. If you walk a path with good Intentions, even if it’s a bad choice, your back (shadow / higher self) will lead you to the next best one! Respect is given straight out the gate, trust is what should be a trust your gut instinct, it is your senses coming together to signal danger and bliss. The heart, (since it is now confused about what love feels like, since it is used on a wide spectrum) and head (since not all teachers are great and honest and all knowing) can be deceiving.

Stress is the ultimate source for disease, the external lodges somewhere in the body or mind and the more worry and negativity you feed it like a magnet will grow, may it be an illness of the body or the mind. So, do the sit down figure out the voids, what is it that is causing “You” to feel you need to fill that void or suppress your voice or take your life. No one is a mistake or an accident. No one is ugly, we are all made with attributes that as a whole weigh each to a balance. For instance in a world that is so cold and cruel. Do you know who’s balancing the other side of the spectrum, children with down syndrome. All of the ugliness that this world can give, they are the ones with more love than one can give. You have your brilliant minds and you have the minds that want to be brilliant but don’t have the funds when there should be pro bono or without borders for each profession. People get locked into a profession because of how much they end up paying for it. Sticking with it and are unhappy for the rest of their lives because of a freaking payment. While they pay for all that for nothing. That’s what a lot of people end up doing, when we should be able to feel out what we want to be.n school we’re given the question. Would you rather make a lot of money and be unhappy or be happy and not make a lot of money. My answer was, “be happy and not make a lot off money.” Why can’t it be both. The world could thrive and create such beauty if everyone gave just a little bit more themselves and stopped judging so harshly. Acted with a little more empathy. Because I’ll say this, whatever lesson you refuse to learn that this life is truly trying to teach you, will be waiting for you in your next.

The post after this is a poem? I wrote called, “Poverty, Fear and Pain. I hope you’ll read it!



The Art Of Transmuting
